The mountains do call; and you should go.
You should definitely defy TLC; go chase all the waterfalls.
**Insert John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, or even Ron Swanson quote here**
When I saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty in 2013, it sparked my interest in Iceland. I had never before considered that as a travel destination, but good Lord, the moody vibes and epic vistas piqued my interest. So, this trip was epic and a little surreal. At times, I had to remind myself where I was, because I wasn't so far outside a western comfort zone. Yet, I was halfway around the world, eating the freshest food (even tho it cost an arm and a leg); drinking the purest water (even tho, at times, it smells like rotten eggs); and freezing half the time (even tho I'd walk right back into that cold to escape the AZ heat!)
But, how can I even begin to sum up roadtripping Iceland's ring road?... let's get to the pictures!
Sheep, horses, dogs oh my!
Red roofs on farm houses; red roofs on lighthouses.
One of the most special moments for me.
Finding this beach beyond the rolling hills behind the historic church.
blues & greens; rain & snow; fog & mist; 24hr sun/24hr clouds - saw it all.
Another favorite - icebergs behind you, sunny beach in front of you. Wow.

And... there's so many more. I hope too see you again, Iceland.
Images are the property of Anna Rochelle ©AnnaRochelleImagery and may not be used in any format or for any purposes unless requested and received written permission in advance.